
Liv Tyler and Givenchy

Liv Tyler, who has been modelling for Givenchy, has released a 3 minute music video for Givenchy. Liv Tyler`s dad is the frontman of Aerosmith, and music is in her blood. That`s a risky but successful marketing step, that Givenchy team has undertaken together, with the New-York musician David Andrew Sitek. He has already worked with Liars, Foals and Yeah Yeah Yeah bands. The video has been directed by a Swedish man- Johan Renck.

Please welcome the video for the Very Irrésistible Givenchy Electric Rose. I personally think that she rocks!


Little Poetry Break

(image found at weheart it)

À peine défigurée - Barely Disfigured

Adieu tristesse
Bonjour tristesse
Tu es inscrite dans les lignes du plafond
Tu es inscrite dans les yeux que j'aime
Tu n'es pas tout à fait la misère
Car les lèvres les plus pauvres te dénoncent
Par un sourire
Bonjour tristesse
Amour des corps aimables
Puissance de l'amour
Dont l'amabilité surgit
Comme un monstre sans corps
Tête désappointée
Tristesse beau visage.


Farewell Sadness 
Hello Sadness
You are inscribed in the lines on the ceiling
You are inscribed in the eyes that I love
You are not poverty absolutely
Since the poorest of lips denounce you
Ah with a smile
Bonjour Tristesse
Love of kind bodies
Power of love
From which kindness rises
Like a bodiless monster
Unattached head
Sadness beautiful face.

- Paul Éluard -
(translated by ...)


Massada eyewear

One of my recent discoveries is the London based company Massada. (http://www.massadaeyewear.com). Previously, the word Masada for me, meant a place in Israel, which has a really sad and shocking story, but also heroic for some. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masada). However,  today I will talk to you about an eyewear brand. This brand creates one of the most hip frames, and creates them in multiple colours. Unfortunately, I ran out of cash at the moment, due to the big Christmas shopping that I have done in the previous weeks. However a Massada pair of glasses is a new big bold bullet on my wishlist.

 I think that this black pair of eyeglasses is my favourite one. However they are all so beautiful.


Alright, I know that I have my ups and downs in terms of blogging, and I know that one of my New Year resolutions, should be - to blog constantly. One of the reasons for that is that I have been ill 3 times in the last 5 weeks, i had a hell of a month and loaaaaads of Uni work.

But fashion continues to be my number one aesthetic inspiration. So... what will i flag in this post.
First of all, is that I am a real addict to  potential DIY fashion projects, but I haven`t even made one...
Second of all is that my Fashion main inspiration, my fashionideal (fashion ideal), my muse is Lykke Li. One of my favourite Swedish singers... But this one has got a real sense of personal style that I can not stop admiring. She is just playing it so cool.

After conveying a little image research of Lykke Li`s looks, I have found some of the important bases that form her looks. 
1) There is no need to make your hair. 
2) Always use the black eye-liner 
3) Black is her favourite color
4) Vintage is very very important in her wardrobe. 
And before i go to sleep, i`ll tell you that I am looking for an easy DIY as I want to surprise my lovely boy 



Duran Duran - Girl Panic!

The video of Duran Duran`s new single 'Girl Panic', reunites supermodels of the 90ties. 
Naomi Campbell is playing the role of the lead singer (Simon LeBon), Helena Christensen (Roger Taylor), Eva Herzigova (Nick Rhodes), Cindy Crawford (John Taylor) and Yasmin Le Bon who is keen to point out "I am NOT a member of Duran Duran". The girls are performing Girl Panic in the video, and they are interviewed bu the boys. 
The video seems to be a mix of consumerists signs and brands, it soaks in glamour, and celebrates decadent behaviour. The video has been shooted at the infamous hotel Savoy. 

It is interesting that underlined that the video has been styled by the Italian duet Dolce&Gabanna. And the video was directed by Jonas Akerlund, famous for his creation of Lady Gaga`s 'Telephone' video.
I find it to be a very strong promotion, for the video. It brings some nostalgic feelings, as really plays with 'the fate' of the supermodels from the 90ties.  

I am pleased to see these girls!


Jil Sander - Fall 2011

I have to write about the fall collection by Raf Simons for Jil Sanders. I am not writing about his newest SS 2012 collection, because we need to find the trends for this season. And What I usually do, I get the inspiration from the collections that I like. That suit me by their mood/style/idea. 

The basis of this collection is ski wear, and designers still continue to develop what people tend to call Sports Chic, however in reality its a mix of sports wear lines with luxury cuts and fabrics. Anyway, this collection shows loads of black coats. Which are all beautiful in their own way. It is important to find style that will suit you personally. That`s the trick. 

Now, the thing with neon colours is still very popular. And some bits of colour here and there will never do any bad to you. Don`t be scared at the beginning. If one neon colour is too radical for you, and seems to contrast too much with the rest of your outfit, it might sound strange, but adding a similar hue of a neon color to your look, seems less contrasting. 

(Three very Bright colours on the top) 

(Three very Bright colours.) 

 Graphic Knits, is probably one of the statement pieces in this collection. They are very nice, and one of them reminds me a bit of the lines by Miro. 

Blue II by Juan Miro.
The Gold of the Azure by Juan Miro.

 It`s still very minimalist, but it`s very interesting how the green light underlines the shoulder line. It gives a lot of power but it is not aggressive. 

Long Maxi Skirts and dresses are not out of fashion. They continue to extend, and they get longer and longer. They get a very rigid/strong shape as well.
 This is very high waisted, it is almost an empire waist. The contrast between two clashing colours is beautiful. And the simplicity of a men` s shirt is balanced by the femininity of this long skirt.

And a few dreses. Here it is interesting to notice, that the waist slips down to the hips almost. 

PS: I do not like this dress so much, however I think that this silk is fantastic, and you may find matching shoes on the pics a bit upper. However I just wanted to emphasize that the model wearing this gorgeous fabric is the gorgeous Alla Kostromicheva. (Our Ukrainian beauty)

Aesthetica Short Film Festival

I have had two days of my life soaked into the deep waters of short film industry. These two days have disappeared from my life. But I don`t regret it, at all. Because I have watched a multitude of international short films from different genres. The settings have been imperfect in a lot of cases. And I had to sit on the floor, or actually wait because the staff could not play a certain disk. But, overall I am very happy. Just because I missed watching arty films, and especially with people around me. I have missed sharing ideas, and impressions on arty films. I will be listing the films I really liked right here. (with links or/and images)  

Lin, a film by Piers Thompson. UK/Bulgaria/Turkey. 2010. (The Youtube video is a preview)


Albatross by Kim Albright. UK, 2011 (http://www.albatrossfilm.co.uk/site/trailer/) 
Very nice film, with very interesting shooting techniques. Has got a lot of really emotional moments, which are so carefully transmitted to the spectators. 

Paris/Sexy by Ruth Paxton, 2010 
This is a very weird/crude film, about an alienated girl in a village, who suddenly has met the people from the glamorous, rich and beautiful world she dreams off. 


Just in Time by Rodolfo Novaes, UK, 2011.  
"We follow a man surprising his wife by returning home a day early from a trip, only to find that she has been less than faithful, he follows her 'lover' through the streets of London, who turns out to be a bit more than we bargain for. A great twist..." (http://jasonrmoffat.com/index.php?q=43)

I personally really like the twist, the style, and the shooting of this film. 


Wimp by Camilla Ramonn, Denmark, 2011
A very touching story about about a little boy who is quite oppressed by his friends . This little boy turns 11, and is expected to see Sisse, who offers sex in exchange of  burger, coke and chips. But things do not happen in this way...
Join The Dots by Jessica Lux, UK, 2010
A story which shows the story of a girl who is trying to find her own place at St Andrews University. This is not so easy, especially when you feel that you are different. How will you find friends?

Invisible by Harold Chapman, UK, 2010
A story about an immigrant sweeper in the city. This man tries to escape the memories of the civil war, and the memories of his past. Sometimes people do not need a lot to make a step, and escape the memories.  (http://vimeo.com/23962739)

The Bag by Ray Nomoto Robison, USA, 2010
A woman come to visit her parents during the week-end. She discovers, that her parents have been hoarding pills in the bag to commit suicide. The desperation and the will to cope with the emotions of this woman are very well transmitted. This is a very delicate situation, and anything can change this situation to a disaster. However, will this situation last long?
It makes us ask ourselves... what would I do in this case?


Happy Birthday Timmy by Johnny Cullen, Ireland, 2011

Garbo by Venetia Taylor, Australia, 2011 You can watch it here (http://vimeo.com/24092743)  
The Phone Box by Ian Robertson, UK, 2011

15 Summers Later by Pedro Collantes, Norway/Spain, 2011
Very very cool film. With a very remote/unusual shooting. And with a very sensible protagonist. You can watch it here (http://vimeo.com/22202387)  
The Old Ways by Michael Vass, Canada, 2011Quite scary. Black humor. See the trailer below.

The Maestro by Chris and Ben Blaine, UK, 2011
Appeared to be quite a primitive story. But funny. You may watch it here 


Boy - Little Numbers

Two lovely girls, Valeska Steiner and Sonja Glass, have created a pretty good album - "Mutual Friends". They play all of the instruments on the record, except for the drums. Which is pretty impressive. Their drummer, is in fact the live drummer of a french indie band, the Phoenix.
The video that is posted bellow, is a video of their single 'Little Numbers". This song was the last to be recorded, which somehow explains the joyousness. I personally think that it is a nice tune, to make somebody nostalgic, and make somebody think of summer. The video itself, is made of really short set of images, and it feels like we are looking through a holiday album.
And here are the images...

And finally the video... 


Coldplay - Paradise

And before I actually go to finish my International Development presentation, I would love to share this with you. I know that a lot of people have already seen this video...
But I guess Its one of these things that we can listen to/watch a million of times ...

If you can`t open the link directly here, just watch it on Youtube.


Nicola Roberts - Jil Sander

For those who like fancy patterns, short outfits and very slim girls... this is a perfect visual inspiration. ,(Even if i think that Nicola Roberts appears to have forgotten her trousers). I really like her outfit in her previous music video 'Beat of My Drum". The print on the Nicolas`s shirt reminded me of Jil Sander`s SS 2011 collection. Hello statement prints.