
Liv Tyler and Givenchy

Liv Tyler, who has been modelling for Givenchy, has released a 3 minute music video for Givenchy. Liv Tyler`s dad is the frontman of Aerosmith, and music is in her blood. That`s a risky but successful marketing step, that Givenchy team has undertaken together, with the New-York musician David Andrew Sitek. He has already worked with Liars, Foals and Yeah Yeah Yeah bands. The video has been directed by a Swedish man- Johan Renck.

Please welcome the video for the Very Irrésistible Givenchy Electric Rose. I personally think that she rocks!


Little Poetry Break

(image found at weheart it)

À peine défigurée - Barely Disfigured

Adieu tristesse
Bonjour tristesse
Tu es inscrite dans les lignes du plafond
Tu es inscrite dans les yeux que j'aime
Tu n'es pas tout à fait la misère
Car les lèvres les plus pauvres te dénoncent
Par un sourire
Bonjour tristesse
Amour des corps aimables
Puissance de l'amour
Dont l'amabilité surgit
Comme un monstre sans corps
Tête désappointée
Tristesse beau visage.


Farewell Sadness 
Hello Sadness
You are inscribed in the lines on the ceiling
You are inscribed in the eyes that I love
You are not poverty absolutely
Since the poorest of lips denounce you
Ah with a smile
Bonjour Tristesse
Love of kind bodies
Power of love
From which kindness rises
Like a bodiless monster
Unattached head
Sadness beautiful face.

- Paul Éluard -
(translated by ...)